Decision: Acts 2:36-41
Exploremcc   -  

If you missed last week, we have begun a series of messages where we will walk through the book of Acts. We’re calling it Ekklesia.

The Ekklesia means a people called to assemble for a specific purpose. It’s understanding that God gathers us (like on Sundays) so He can send the church into the world, as opposed to the church being a building where we open the doors and expect the world to come to us. 

I love that Acts 17:6 (KJV) tells us that the church bought into the idea so much that it had the reputation of turning the world upside down!  So for the next several weeks we are looking at words that describe the kind of church that God sends to turn the world upside down.

And last week we saw the beginning of the birth of the church. And Jesus told His disciples to wait for the gift His Father would send. (Acts 1:4). That gift they were waiting on was the Holy Spirit.

And in our verses this week, the Holy Spirit shows up! And we see how He sends His Holy Spirit to us today.