Life is Better Together
Because God exists in community, He has created us to live in community and do life together. While no one will get to know everyone, everyone needs to experience community by getting to know at least someone. Finding a group to study scripture, find accountability and support, and pray together is an essential step in every follower of Jesus' life. We know our best shot at continued spiritual growth happens in the context of community. Jesus set up this model when he took a group of ordinary men and asked them to follow him. He promised that he would make them something. Those men went on to change the course of human history.
Where do you belong?
Groups are purposed to help you connect to people who are following Jesus, being changed by Jesus and committed to the mission of Jesus that we get to walk alongside. Our hope is that by joining a group you will find others to follow Jesus with and develop impactful relationships that help you become a disciple who makes disciples.
There are a wide variety of groups available at MCC—groups that meet in various locations and on various days and times. We would love to get you connected to the group that is right for you.

MCC Women’s Ministry exists to create a way for women to connect as they begin and build a relationship with Jesus and brings women together to help strengthen their relationship with Jesus while connecting with them as sisters in Christ.
The women’s ministry strives to be a generationally diverse community of Christ following women who seek to become disciples who make disciples.
Our women regularly hosts Bible studies, dinners, ReFit (exercise classes), playdates and much more. If you are interested in learning more, email: [email protected]
Get connected by joining their Facebook Group, find them on The Church Center App, or scroll to the bottom of the page to find the group.

There are a few different ways for men to connect at MCC. Currently there is a Men’s Morning Bible Study that meets on the odd months from 5:30-6:30am on Tuesdays as well as an Men’s Outdoor Group that meets in the evenings on the 4th Tuesday of every month. For more information, check out these groups on the Church Center App, or scroll to the bottom of the page to find the groups.

Young Adults
Our Young Adult Group is a place for graduated 18 years old to early 30s to connect and grow together. We meet from 7:00-8:30 pm on Tuesdays. For more information, check out our group on the Church Center App, scroll to the bottom of the page for the link, or email [email protected].

Senior Adults
Our senior adults connect via quarterly events as well as a mailing list. They are also involved in doing shut in visits, helping out with small household projects, and sending out birthday cards. To get be added to this list, to receive visits or if you need help with projects around the house, email [email protected] or fill out or Senior Adult Ministry form.