Matthew 1:18-25
Exploremcc   -  

We will remind ourselves what Jesus has brought into our lives and still offers to people today, a message of hope.

This year we will have 3 Christmas Eve services: December 23 at 7:00pm December 24 at 5:30pm and 7:00pm I’d like to ask a favor. When you determine the service you intend to be part of, please RSVP.

There are 3 ways you can do that:

– our website on the Christmas tab

– a link on our Facebook page

– The sign-ups tab on our Church Center app

We’re asking MCCers to do this so we can anticipate how many will be in the room for each service. This also allows us to plan well for children in our nursery and preschool classrooms which will be available for all 3 services. We know that we have people from the community who will not know to do this so we want to make sure we have plenty of room for everyone. We can and will be ready to expand seating as needed. Thank you for your help in being prepared for that.